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Our Services

Currently our Services are all online with the exception of going out to Preach Revivals and Teach Seminars and hold Church Conferences whenever and wherever the Lord leads.


We will soon begin conducting online Bible Studies and will be starting a Telephone Conference call for Bible Study and Prayer once that is set up we will post the necessary phone number and special access code for you to join in on those conference calls.


We are currently looking for a building in the Fries, Galax, Cripple Creek, Huddle, Pierce Mill, Catron, Eagle Furnace, Delhart, Noble Furnace, Eagle, Pipers Gap, Ivanhoe, McKnights Mill, Shiloh, Sheep Town, Baywood, or Corinth, VA , areas to begin having regular weekly Church Services, and to set up our Church Corporate Office. Once the facility is located and acquired we will begin having regular Sunday Church Services and weekly Bible Study. From there, we will also have our food pantry set up to provide food to the homeless and needy families with a Soup Kitchen serving free hot meals to those same individuals


Apostle Ira Q Barnes will shortly begin having a Telephone Conference Call every Monday Night at 7:00 pm Eastern Time; the Conference Call number and access code is Dial-in Number: 1 (515) 739-1458

Access Code: 247047


After calling in you will receive instructions asking you to enter the access code then once you have entered the 247047 Access Code you will be connected to the Conference. Please remember to come Join Apostle Ira Q Barnes every Monday night at 7:00 pm Eastern Time for some Holy Ghost Filled Teaching from God's Holy Word.


We do firmly Believe in and Teach the Five Fold Ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will begin the Telephone Conference on May 29, 2017 at 7:00 pm Eastern Time, From time to time we will be using Guest Speakers to deliver the Word from the LORD so Please Join us every Monday Night because you will not want to miss any of these Great Conferences.


Apostle Ira Q Barnes


This section of the website will still remain under construction until further notice!.

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