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Our Mission and Purpose


Our Mission is to Preach and Teach nothing less than the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, that will lead many who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to repent of their sins and accept Him as their Lord and Personal Savior.


Our Mission and Purpose is not to Judge anyone but rather to Preach and Teach the whole Truth of God's Holy Word, should you feel that we are being judgemental in our Messages, we assure you that is not the case but rather you are being convicted by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God because He alone is our Judge.


1. To Work with other Churches and Individuals as well in bringing about the UNITY of Fellowship in the body of Christ.


2. To Solicit Donations of money, food and other necessary items which we will then distribute to needy families in North Carolina and Virginia and other areas as these items become available.


3. To Start Churches in as many communities as the Lord would lead as the funds become available.


4. To Promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by conducting Church Conferences,Seminars,and Revivals in as many Churches and Community Centers as the Lord Calls us into as the funds become available.


5. To Train up God-fearing men and women of God in the Ministering of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ and equip them to be able to go out into their communities to to lead as many lost souls as possible to repentance and a saving Faith in Jesus Christ.


6. To Plant Churches in as many cities, and town throughout this nation and the rest of the world as the Lord would lead in order to reach as many people with the True Gospel of Jesus Christ as possible.

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